5 pages, 1787 words


  • What is unmerited grace?
  • Grace in salvation
  • Grace in Weakness
  • The Person of Grace
  • Staying in the Grace of God

PLUS: Unmerited Grace Checklist!
A checklist is a standardized list of required steps developed usually for repetitive tasks. It provides several benefits. It helps people stay more organized, assuring them they will not skip any important step in the process. A checklist motivates us to take action and complete tasks.

Here’s a sneak peek of the content:

Grace is the unmerited favor of God, His undeserved kindness that He shows us. The Greek word for “grace” is xáris, a word that contains a wealth of meaning. Grace signifies God’s favor towards us. It literally means that he “leans towards us to share benefit and favor.” (Strong’s).

When I think of grace, I imagine new grandparents who get to see their long-distance grandchild for the first time on a video call. They are leaning towards the screen, full of favor and love towards the baby. They are “disposed to, included, favorable towards, leaning towards” the baby. These words are quoted from the definition of grace from Strong’s concordance. Strong’s tells us that the word “grace” reminds us that God “freely extended to give Himself away to people, because He is ‘always leaning toward them’… [and] is disposed to …be near them.”

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Unmerited Grace