5 pages, 1979 words


  • God’s Will (The Ultimate Plan for Creation)
  • One Step at a Time to Walk in His Will
  • Help to Discern and Obey the Will of God
  • You are a Masterpiece Created for Good Works
  • God’s Will for You is to Carry Your Cross

PLUS: The Will of God Checklist!
A checklist is a standardized list of required steps developed usually for repetitive tasks. It provides several benefits. It helps people stay more organized, assuring them they will not skip any important step in the process. A checklist motivates us to take action and complete tasks.

Here’s a sneak peek of the content:

The phrase, “God’s will” expressly means, God’s desire or what God wants. Considering that God is the Creator of all things from the oceans and trees, to the birds, skies, and stars, He must have a purpose and desire for it all. When we observe the amount of detail and design built into God’s creation, it is safe to conclude that He is very intentional. The same God who intricately designed a honeybee to pollinate fruits and vegetables as well as to produce delicious honey made you and I with a Master Plan in mind.

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The Will of God