5 pages, 2078 words

This pack is amazing teaching on understanding and overcoming superficial ‘surface’ faith and how Jesus taught about it often.

  • Break them into articles or create a small report on The “Trust Issue” of Superficial Faith or even for your own personal study.

Here’s a sneak peek of the content:

For something to be superficial it exists or occurs on the surface. The surface is the outside part or uppermost layer of something. In reference to faith, superficial is an outward showing of trust in God that only exists on the surface and does not genuinely dwell in the heart.

Throughout His time on earth, Jesus encountered and addressed superficial faith often. He taught about it and called it out when people practiced it in front of Him.

Quoting Isaiah 29:13 Jesus says,

“These people draw near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. 9 And in vain they worship Me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men,’” (Matthew 15:8,9)

From these verses, we can see there was an outward profession of loving or trusting God and honoring with the words spoken, but the heart did not match. The result is vain worship and false teaching. On the contrary, when the heart belief and the mouth confession are in sync Romans 10:9,10 tells us the result is saving faith.

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Superficial Faith – Trust Issues