5 pages, 1723 words

NOT Titles: Subjects in the pack

  • Spiritual Armor in Business
  • The Belt of Truth
  • The Breastplate of Righteousness
  • The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace
  • The Shield of Faith
  • The Helmet of Salvation
  • The Sword of the Spirit
  • Declined Invitation
  • Stretching Your Faith
  • Faith Conquers Fear

Here’s a sneak peek of the content:

We are acceptable in God’s sight because of our faith in our Savior Jesus.  The breastplate is a symbol of our righteousness through the blood of Christ and allows us to walk in purity and integrity each day in business.  Anatomically, the breastplate covers our vital organs, including our heart (spirit) which keeps our body functioning smoothly.  The breastplate protects God’s Truth in our spirit!  When Truth is protected, Satan cannot gain a foothold in our business lives.

It is so easy to get caught up in the negativity of the world around us.  People can be confrontational, antagonistic, and downright rude.  When we put on our sturdy shoes of peace each day, we are able to keep a firm footing in God’s word and navigate over bumpy worldly terrain.  We are sheltered in the peace and security we have in Jesus Christ. He is always with us!  He peacefully walks right alongside us as we go about our busy lives.  This is a constant reminder that there is no need to get swept up in worldly discord.

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Spiritual Armor in Business